An American Airlines passenger was ‘not real’ according to one woman. On Sunday July 2, 2023, flight 1009 was about to leave Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) for Orlando (MCO) when a woman demanded to be let off the plane. The plane returned to the gate, de-boarded, and was delayed 3-hours. Why? She kept insisting she wanted to get off the plane because a fellow passenger was “not real” and implied remaining on the plane with him would result in death. Portions of this ordeal were caught on video and has since been shared all over TikTok. Many have been asking what did she see? Was there a shapeshifter on the plane? A humanoid reptilian? Well, anything is possible. 

In a panic stricken state, she yells, “I’m telling you, I’m getting the f— off, and there’s a reason I’m getting the f— off, and everyone can either believe it, or they can not believe it. I don’t give two f—s..”  Her voice shakes. “But I am telling you, right now, that motherf—er back there is not real.”

“You can sit with him on this plane,” the woman continued. “And you can f—ing die with him or not. I’m not going to.”

There’s speculation about whether she was talking about a flight attendant or another passenger.

After a second video surfaced, it became clear she was talking to a flight attendant about a male passenger. Some are saying she had an altercation with a man about her missing AirPods. Although, there has been no footage of her accusing anyone of theft. The woman repeatedly tells attendants to stop the plane. The attendant tries to calm her down. She tells the attendant “I am not sitting by that man.” The attendant asks about collecting her bags. Growing more agitated, the woman can be heard saying, “I don’t even give a f%$k about my shit.” She clearly just wants off the plane. She doesn’t want AirPods, she doesn’t want her suitcase, she wants to get away from this guy.

All the passengers were forced to exit the plane so it could be searched. Why? Because this wasn’t just about AirPods. This woman was convinced anyone who stayed on the plane was going to “die with him.” She was warning them about some mysterious threat to their lives. When they re-boarded, the three original flight attendants had been swapped out with new ones who else was missing? The man in question?     

We don’t see the man in any of the videos (so far) which is almost weirder than her outburst.

Several people claiming to have been on the plane have posted videos since the incident – yet none actually have real information about what transpired. No one has footage of the man she was talking about. How is that even possible? Who wouldn’t immediately turn the camera towards the “not-real passenger” a screaming woman is pointing to. It’s almost as if the man’s identity has been removed deliberately. One TikTik user claimed to have been on the plane, said a “hooded man” winked sideways at him. The video he posted as “evidence” however, was altered and a repost from last year.

The rest of the few alleged witnesses don’t seem to have their facts straight on how long they were grounded (including a certain comedian). They have different ideas about who she was referring to as “not real” and some even got the day wrong. It’s almost as if the “witnesses” weren’t even there.

No one knows the woman’s name (or what actually happened).  Even people around her can be heard on video whispering “what’s wrong with her” and “I don’t know”. So, no one knew anything not even the people sitting behind her – filming her. But everyone is quick to call her “crazy”.

Journalists are posting articles calling her the “crazy lady” who saw an imaginary passenger.

woman claims a passenger is not real, American Airlines, Shapeshifter on a plane, conspiracy theory

First, no one said he was imaginary or invisible. He exists, you can see the flight attendant looking down and talking to someone in another video (you just can’t see who he is). All this woman said was he wasn’t ‘real’ this could mean several different things. One of which, is simply that he’s lying or inauthentic in some way. When someone isn’t being real about something they are a fraud. That doesn’t mean he’s a shapeshifting reptilian or a ghost. He just isn’t who or what he says he is.

Second, so what if she is crazy? She didn’t hurt anyone. When did it become ok to mock those with mental illnesses? On major platforms, no less – and then call it news? You can’t see a human struggling to hold it together and have compassion? Is it possible to report the event and speculate the cause, respectfully? Do you have to be a piece of shit about it?

Because that’s all it could be right? She’s either mentally ill or she was telling the truth. Which means, her little outburst could have just saved the lives of all those people.

“Crazy” is a far more complicated thing than most realize.

One can be as sane as they come but in unordinary circumstances, made to look insane. When something insane is thrown at you, the mind snapping in that moment is understandable, one may even say it’s the “sane” thing to do. Therefore you’re sane by going temporarily insane. We’re complicated creatures. 

What if she really did see something supernatural?

She didn’t say anything about shapeshifters or anything supernatural. The Internet and the media have been projecting that on her. But, what if she saw someone’s eyes turn black or the person glitched for a second? I know many of you have seen things like that – but you told yourselves you didn’t. You were just tired. Your eyes were playing tricks on you. Sorry, to break it to you but you saw what you saw. And people are going to start seeing a lot more of it.

Are people still this closed minded? Even now, when we have UFOs on the nightly news? We have government officials openly talking about aliens and disclosure but the idea of a woman actually seeing the facade crack on one of those beings is somehow crazy? I don’t think so folks. No, everyone who didn’t feel the urge to hop off that plane with her deep in their gut is crazy. Bat shit crazy. Zero survival instincts. 

At the very least, I would have been concerned the guy was some kind of terrorist.

The second she said: You can sit with him on this plane, and you can f—ing die with him. or not. I’m not going to.” I would have been grabbing my suitcase and getting ready to meet her for coffee back in the airport.

This universe is full of all kinds of weird things we know nothing about. It’s also full of things our ancestors warned us about but many shrug off as fiction. Gut instincts still know.

Maybe there was a shapeshifter on the plane

What if a reptilian humanoid was on the plane? Sure people lie on the Internet all the time, so you can’t believe all the stories. However, there are also an enormous amount of credible firsthand accounts from government and ex-government officials of encounters with extraterrestrials – most commonly “the grays” and “reptilian shapeshifters.”

It’s not as crazy as it sounds, the term “shape shifter” doesn’t just refer to things like demons, werewolves, and skinwalkers. Just think about about it, you don’t have to be able to actually change form, just project the image of a new form. Think, AR/VR, nano-tech, genetic engineering, and CRISPR technology. Who says that wasn’t always the key, even for aliens? Maybe they were never physically morphing – more like pixel scrambling. That’s not to say there aren’t creatures out there capable of physically shape shifting, because there most certainly are.

She could have been experiencing Spiritual Psychosis

It’s also possible she was experiencing what many have been reporting over the last 3-years; the activation of dormant abilities triggering spiritual psychosis. Maybe she had a vision of sorts and didn’t understand it – visions happen in symbolism (more often than not). 

A strange aura and/or blurring across someone’s face could just mean they are dangerous – not necessarily a non-human entity. Or it could mean they have something messing around in their energy field and actually need some help. It takes time to learn that. Even after grasping this, it takes time to figure out how to tell the difference between direct and indirect messages (cue psychosis). 

American airlines Passenger Was 'Not Real' according to one woman

Whether or not this woman’s claims were valid, we may never know.

What we do know is, if she’s mentally ill then she needs compassion, not public ridicule. We know she was terrified, she didn’t look drunk, and her whereabouts are still unknown ever since. 

A “crazy” person wouldn’t be ashamed or hiding out, right? Surely, she wouldn’t be in police custody this long. They would have to take her in for a drug screen and psych evaluation anyway. Psych evaluations last 3-days. So where the hell is she? Either way, the media has been all over reports of how “disruptive this customer” was, yet, no news on whether she was arrested or driven to the hospital. Kind of weird.

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