Nightcrawlers; From the Fresno Aliens and Carmel Area Creature, to a possible pair of haunted pants? What’s going on out there?

What are Night Crawlers?

Night crawlers, (aka the Fresno Aliens) were first caught on camera in Fresno California. They were thought to be limited to the area (hence the name). Now that more sightings have popped up in various locations, and the some history has become more widely known, they’ve become just “Night Crawlers.”

Dr Seuss What was I scared of, ghost pants, paranormal sightings, real ghost encounters, unsettling things,
Photo Credit: Dr Seuss. What Was I Scared of?

Personally, I find them endearing. Upon viewing the original surveillance footage, I was immediately reminded of my favorite Dr. Seuss book: “What Was I Scared Of?”  

Fresno Alien, Night crawlers, aliens, ghost pants, paranormal sightings, real alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants,

As far as “things that go bump in the night” the “Nightcrawler”  is a pretty awkward one to say the least. These curious creatures are just under 5-feet in height. They’re slow moving and have been spotted in Fresno California and Yosemite National Park. Caught on camera both times – because it’s just that stealthy. 

What ‘history’ is known of the night crawlers?

Fresno Alien, Night crawlers, aliens, totems, paranormal sightings, real alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants, swamp creatures, cryptids,
Native American totems that resemble these entities were crafted as a sign of friendship.

Someone noticed the similarities between the beings from the Fresno Alien footage and these Native American totems. After putting 2-and-2 together, people started to realize, these things have been around for a long time, they didn’t just beam down to Fresno California one night to take a little stroll. (You’d think that’d be obvious, but alas, no). 

What the Native Americans had to say about these beings is that they are peaceful or at least they’re neutral. The race is a nature-centric one. They’re originally from a planet/dimension mostly consisting of swampland which is why they have such long legs. 

Fresno Alien, Night crawlers, aliens, ghost pants, paranormal sightings, real alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants,

Their ultimate goal is to rebuild the connection between nature and mankind. Now if that fails, (and this is just a guess here) they’d choose nature’s side. Which is why it’s probably more accurate to say they’re closer to neutral (for now) than peaceful. Which is fair. I can understand that stance. Maybe that’s what their less-endearing cousins are for. 

Their less-endearing cousins : There seems to be another breed out there… 

There’s something similar that could be a variation of these beings or something else entirely. And it’s not cute. It’s gray in color, a good 2-feet taller than our friendly swampland loving night-crawlers, and these guys actually have joints in their legs. All around much creepier looking creatures, but still essentially just these legs with not much else to them. Currently, it’s just referred to as the “Carmel Area Creature.”

An Ex-Marine spotted this grotesque version of a night crawler, while driving in the Carmel area. 

The “Carmel Area Creature” is, essentially a muscular set of legs. Like the night crawler, it doesn’t have arms or a discernible face. Unlike its assumed predecessor, it does have knees. Horrifyingly enough, these knees appear (by human standards) to bend backwards. A 60-year-old ex-marine driving with his wife driving around the Carmel area on December 12, 2014, witnessed one of these things shambling over the hill. They described it as a 7-foot tall alien with no arms. Gray, slender, and bipedal. Walking with knees that bent backwards.  

The details of the sighting & a sketch of the creature

Carmel Creature, Cryptids, Night crawlers, aliens, paranormal sightings, alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants, real monsters,
Witness’s Sketch

The witness said the following:

“We recently bought a place in the Fort Hill area (in southeast Highland County). We first noticed after about 30 days of living here that we suddenly have a perfect circle that stays fresh green, no matter what weather, in our front yard. On Friday night (the 12th), we were driving home. After turning on Carmel Road, which leads to our road, we went around the curve by the Carmel church and then up a small incline and approximately 10 feet over the incline and in front of our truck, the ‘alien’ ran across the road and into the woods. “My husband saw it. He is a skeptic – almost 60 years old – and a proud Marine. He wouldn’t have admitted to seeing it if he hadn’t been in shock. I had him draw it for me when we got to the house. He says it was asphalt gray (our asphalt is gray) and about 7 feet tall, no arms that he could see, but muscular in the legs area; no jawline, and its legs were bent backward and it leaned forward as it ran.”

Possible theories about what the Carmel Creature could be

Carmel Creature, Cryptids, Night crawlers, aliens, paranormal sightings, alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants, real monsters,

Aside from something straight out of Silent Hill, it’s possible the creature is related to the Fresno Night crawlers. Or it’s an alien species of a completely different nature. It may be a primate, some undiscovered species or perhaps just a misidentified one … though anything bipedal with that figure would still have a discernible features. Head, ears, arms… Some have theorized it could have been an upright deer or large bird like a crane. It would be hard to miss certain features in those animals. The deer has a long face, ears, and large antlers on the males. Birds have wings and beaks, a certain gaunt in their step. Neither of these animals runs leaning forward with its legs bending backwards. Other than a zombie… I’m out of ideas.

Another head scratcher of a creature was captured on video.

While filming their child play outside with a rabbit, this family caught a bit more than they realized. What can only be described as a pair of “ghost pants” suddenly enters the frame and scampers off into the night. That’s it – just a pair of bright white pants with nobody inside them!

Dr Seuss What was I scared of, ghost pants, paranormal sightings, real ghost encounters, unsettling things,

So what could it be? A spirit, that’s not fully manifested? Another pant-like alien or Cryptid creature? Invisibility cloaking technology that’s glitching out? Or perhaps it was an invisibility potion that’s starting to wear off?

Ghost Pants, disembodied spirit pants, night crawlers, creatures, paranormal, real ghosts,

… And most importantly. Was an encounter with the night crawlers the inspiration for Dr. Seuss’s “What was I scared of?” Clearly, that book can no longer be considered fiction.

Dr Seuss What was I scared of, ghost pants, paranormal sightings, real ghost encounters, unsettling things,

Watch the video below to see the ghost pants in action.

What do you think the Carmel Area Creature could be? What do you think of the Fresno Nightcrawler? Haunted pants? Leave your thoughts in the comments below or head over to Facebook and/or Twitter to share your thoughts.

Fresno Alien, Totems, Carmel Creature, Cryptids, Night crawlers, aliens, paranormal sightings, alien encounters, unsettling things, walking pants, real monsters, Swamp creatures,
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