What fresh hell is this? A Satanic Grammys performance. It’s no surprise the Grammys looked like a flaming hell scape. All concerts do lately. Isn’t that odd? Maybe they all have the same set designer and he’s a one trick pony. It’s almost as if the Hollywood elite can’t stop pointing out that they’re in a demon worshiping sex cult that engages in pedophilia and cannibalism. Oh but that’s crazy talk. That’s a conspiracy theory.

Photo: Grammys 2023 Sam Smith

Ok… why? Because they’re rich? Only poor people can join cults and commit murder, cannibalism, rape, and incest? 

I mean this stuff happens all the time. We know it’s real. We see it on the news and true crime documentaries. But it couldn’t involve rich people who work in entertainment. Because they’re so well adjusted. They couldn’t possibly be able to pull off living double lives… There’s real evil in the world, some us know this. The bigger issue right now is people’s indifference to it and the weird misconceptions out there about Yahweh (God).

A portion of society is completely blind to how demonic things are because they’re in denial that such things even exists. Either way, we’re still taught morals. Take the religious aspects away and we still have entertainers glamorizing that it’s good to be bad. The morals are flipped upside down, just like Babylon.

CBS admitted to demon worship / idolatry while hosting the Satanic Grammys. Yet people are still questioning this.

Most recently, what’s being called the Satanic Grammys is an example of this. Sam Smith and Kim Petras took home a Grammy award for that disgusting song Unholy (about adultery). Then they performed it dressed like demons (like many celebrities lately). Right before going on stage to put on a raunchy performance, Sam Smith tweets:  “This is going to be special.” CBS tweets back: “…you can say that again. We are ready to worship!”

CBS Worship Grammys Sam Smith Hollywood cult
Source: Twitter CBS. Sam Smith.

I mean how many times do these people have to tell you what they do before you accept it? This is why so many people stay in bad relationships, huh? Just an inherent refusal to accept what people show you. 

This is an issue of spirituality, religion, and philosophy. It has nothing to do with politics.  

Photo: Grammys 2023. Sam Smith

There ‘s a mixed bag of articles out today, many of which are trying to make it a political issue. That’s how you know those publications are trash and part of the problem. Just because a republican noticed an issue, doesn’t make it an issue exclusive to republicans. Unless this is the left’s way of saying they all worship satan and only the right is allowed to believe in God. Otherwise, mentioning politics is just an attempt to distract from the real issue. This is about spiritual warfare.

Photo: Grammys 2023. Ted Cruz Twitter

It was meant to be adversarial. The performers were dressed as demons. The topics in the song are about defiling love, violating the sanctity of marriage, valuing material items over people and emotions. It’s deliberately sacrilegious and that has nothing to do with politics. 

Publishing nonsense like: “The far right is calling this performance satanic” … Well, the far right isn’t a person with a mouth to say anything. I am not a member of the far right and I’m saying it too: this performance was satanic. By very definition of the word. Not just opinion, but by the English language’s standards. 

Hollywood Satanist sex cult Satanic Grammys

These are the same publications who just tore Kaye West apart for being “anti-semitic” for a stupid Tweet that was immediately followed by his admittance of having Jewish roots himself. Kanye wasn’t even talking about traditional Judaism! He was talking about the Kabbalists (the Cabal). So they’ll stick up for Jewish mysticism (witchcraft). Then brand you a conspiracy theorist for believing in Jesus and standing up for Christian-based faiths. That’s a Luciferian act. Opposing God’s ways is Luciferian, again this is textbook definition. Not opinion.

CBS Worship Tweet Satanic Grammys Sam Smith
Sources: Media Research Center Twitter; CBS, Sam Smith

Satanic Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer!

As if the state of the world wasn’t surreal enough, we’ve got the satanic Grammys sponsored by Pfizer. Is this real life? I mean, if you were accused of injecting people with the mark of the beast… Would you go sponsor a show with dancing demons singing about sin on a flaming stage? Probably not the best idea. But here we are, with these brazen beasts once again.

Demonic Grammys 2023 Performance Pfizer
Now, really… this is just in poor taste.

Some are trying to spin the song as anti-cheating. Since the act is called “unholy” and the man is “dirty”.

Nope, sorry. Some of us actually understand nuance. They call him dirty and refer to his unholy actions in a provocative way that implies it’s sexy to break the rules. There’s no direct condemnation or condoning of cheating in the lyrics. It’s in the delivery. The lyrics just tell a disgusting story of an adulterer with a mistress using him for material gain. Among other designer labels, Balenciaga is named, of course. That’s it. There’s no lesson, he doesn’t get caught. Standard, shallow, industry crap.

There is no room for confusion on the intent, Petras made it clear what the influence behind the Satanic Grammys performance was.

She flat out said it was inspired by not feeling accepted by religion. “I think a lot of people, honestly, have kind of labeled what I stand for and what Sam stands for as religiously not cool, and I personally grew up wondering about religion and wanting to be a part of it but slowly realizing it didn’t want me to be a part of it,” Petras said, to Variety.

She continued, “So it’s a take on not being able to choose religion. And not being able to live the way that people might want you to live, because as a trans person I’m already not kind of wanted in religion. So we were doing a take on that and I was kind of hellkeeper Kim.”

So it was hell… she was a “hellkeeper” and this whole thing is a slap in the face to religion because she felt rejected. Oh ok. Glad we cleared this up so people can stop guessing and making excuses for these assholes.

Satanic Grammys Performance Sam Smith Unholy

So Kim Petras made up a bunch of excuses to not choose a religious practice. There are numerous denominations in Christianity alone. Some of which even have transgender pastors. There’s no excuses to turn to satan. Nice try father of lies.

For the record, anyone can choose God. But thats the thing, you have to choose. I’m tired of hearing people blame God for the sins of people. People rejected you, not Jesus. Not God, Yahweh. People and ugly politics surrounding churches that have strayed far from what Jesus actually taught. 

Anyone with true interest, would pick up the Bible and read the truth for themselves. They would develop your own spirituality based in love as Jesus actually taught. He didn’t preach organized religion. Biblical mentionings of gatherings refer to two or more people. Simply put, surround yourself with likeminded people because you are who you hang out with. Sure that could be in a church or it could just be at a friend’s house. Jesus will always show up but he needs to be invited first — he won’t force his way in.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there…” “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them”

(Matthew 18:20).

People like to accuse God of not showing up for them but they didn’t invite him in the first place. Understand free will is serious business. You need to give fully informed consent first. God won’t just beat your door down and interfere in your life to rescue you. He may love you and want to but he can’t go against his own word.

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