Creepy stories about black-eyed kids have several things in common. First, it seems to take awhile for people to notice the children’s eyes. You would think that would be the first thing you see, but somehow the children seem to be able to temporarily shield their eye color even from those looking directly at them. Another common theme is the instant feeling of unease and dread that people experience the moment they get close to one of these creepy children – they don’t need to see their eyes to know there is something terribly wrong with them.

The mind may not be able to immediately process what exactly is going on with the black-eyed children, but in most of these stories, survival instincts kick in pretty quickly. For most of these witnesses, it’s a primal, full body experience of terror.

A Couple Developed Terrible Illnesses After Letting Black-Eyed Children In Their Home

In January 2016, a Vermont woman reported accidentally letting black-eyed children into her home. A blizzard was ravaging the world outside her door, so she was shocked to hear someone knocking on it. Figuring someone probably crashed their car trying to navigate the weather, she made her way to the door and peeked out the window. There was no car. She described a feeling of dread wash over her for reasons she couldn’t understand. The banging continued, so she decided to wake her husband to let him answer instead.

Two small children were on the other side of the door- one girl and one boy- neither were appropriately dressed for the storm. The confused couple let the children inside (despite the intense sense of unease their presence invoked)  and regretted it almost instantly. Their cats hissed and seemed just as bothered by these kids as they were. It didn’t seem to matter what she asked them: What happened? Are you lost? Want some cocoa? The answer was always the same: “Our parents will be here soon.”

She made them cocoa anyway and when she returned with the mugs, that’s when she noticed their eyes. They were completely jet black, with no whites at all, just giant black pupils. They asked for the bathroom and she directed them to it. Then everything happened all at once: her husband’s nose started bleeding, the power went out, and as she rushed to get a tissue, she was confronted by both children staring at her from the hall.

“Our parents are here.”

Just like that, they walked out. She watched as the creepy children got into a black car with two very tall men in suits. They left. Within months of the encounter, her husband was diagnosed with skin cancer. She began suffering from chronic nosebleeds as her husband initially had, and her health began slowly deteriorating. She is certain it’s because of the black-eyed children.

A Black-Eyed Boy Roamed The Neighborhood, Waiting For An Invitation

Jim Stills enjoyed an evening cigar on his front porch every evening; it was the best way to wind down after a long day – until one evening Jim noticed a boy with an awkward walk, stiffly making his way down the street. Jim felt uneasy about the boy’s presence. He wasn’t sure why, but he was glad to see him go. Jim’s relief was only temporary, however; the boy was back the next night and each subsequent night, sometimes well into the wee hours of the morning. Just roaming the street like some stiff, freaky robot. It got to the point where Jim decided to forfeit his nightly cigars and remain inside.

After a while, Jim forgot about the strange boy. Then one night he stepped outside his front door only to find the boy standing directly in front of him. His eyes were impossible: just two liquid black pools staring at him emotionlessly. He asked to be allowed inside Jim’s home. Jim dashed back inside and slammed his door shut and locked every lock. Jim kept an eye out for the boy, peeking out his window from time to time in the evenings, but he never saw him again. He isn’t about to tempt fate though – he now reports he stays inside at night.


Black-Eyed Children Caused A Fatal Car Accident

Jon Northwood was heading to his car on the third floor of a parking garage when one of the guys from the conference he’d just attended, Doug, asked him to drive him around the block a few times. He said there were some freaky-looking kids hanging around his car and was hoping to kill some time while waiting for them to wander off. Jon let Doug in and they started cruising. When they neared his car, Jon saw the group Doug was talking about and agreed they were creepy.  

Three kids; two boys and a girl, all “Gothed” out. The girl looked about 15, the boys around 14 and 10. They were intense, but Jon described it as if he began itching behind his eyes and really needed to look at them. He stopped driving. The kids maneuvered around his car and the youngest one said, “It’s scary out there all alone, and we just wanted a ride home.”

Apparently, Doug had interacted with the younger one earlier and had agreed to drive him home, but the two older ones creeped him out and he changed his mind. Jon felt as if his heart was going to erupt from his throat as adrenaline raced through him. Doug said he was getting out of the car. As soon as he reached for the handle, it was like the children got older somehow, and he saw their eyes were solid black – no pupil, no iris, nothing.  Just black. Jon threw the car into reverse and squealed the car backward about 60 feet.

The kids began to pursue them, Jon took the car around the lot’s corners going around 30 miles per hour. He felt that they would die if he let those kids get in the car. He sped down three floors only to find the oldest boy was already at the bottom of the garage when they came out. They sped past him out of the garage and when Jon glanced in his rearview, the boy was gone and so was that menacing feeling that had been building inside him since making contact with those kids.

They waited 10 minutes before going back and Doug was able to get in his car and head home. The black-eyed children were nowhere in sight. Upon leaving the garage for the second time that night, the menacing feeling returned. Jon was behind Doug’s car watching helplessly as it misjudged the time it would take to get through the intersection on a yellow light. Doug was struck by a truck and died instantly. Jon saw the three black-eyed children still lurking about two blocks away.

The Boys Stopped A Journalist And Demanded A Ride

Journalist Brian Bethel of Abilene, Texas, is credited with being the first person to post an online account of the black-eyed children phenomenon. It all began back in 1996. Bethel was sitting in his car writing out a check he intended to drop off at a nearby Internet provider’s office. He was startled by the sound of knocking on his window and looked up to see two kids in hoodies. He couldn’t figure out why, but a jolt of fear ran through him. They were just kids, but something was wrong with them, he just couldn’t figure out what.

He cracked his window just enough to talk with them. The oldest of the two boys asked for a ride to their mother’s house. He claimed they were going to see a movie, forgot their money, and needed a ride so they could make it back for the movie in time.

The movie theater was close enough that Bethel could read the marquee, and he asked the boys what they were going to see. Mortal Kombat was his reply. Brian knew that movie had already started an hour ago. Also, there was just something wrong with the pair: the way they spoke wasn’t natural; they didn’t sound as young as they looked.

“Just let us in, and we’ll be gone before you know it. We’ll go to our mother’s house.”

Everything the older boy said sent shivers down Bethel’s spine but then he saw it – the pitch-black eyes lacking any real substance or soul. Bethel didn’t even try to hide his horror.”

“C’mon, mister, we won’t hurt you. You have to LET US IN. We don’t have a gun.”

The more he spoke, the more Bethel was sure he had to get out of there. He threw his car in reverse, the boy still yelling to be let in, and sped off. He gave one quick glance behind him but saw nothing. The black-eyed boys simply vanished before he even made it out of the parking lot.

The Children Menaced A Gas Station Attendant During A Power Outage

A gas station attendant in northeast Louisiana had a terrifying encounter on November 2012. The gas station was creepy enough to begin with at 3 am, but then the power went out. Led by the light of his cell phone, the attendant was able to get the generators going but the backup lighting was dim and only lit up certain areas, like the cash area and the parking lot, while the rest of the isolated establishment was cloaked in black. Out in that darkness, he noticed movement: three children on bikes were heading his way.

They stood at the door and stared at the attendant. He felt creeped out, but they were just kids and it was way too late for them to be out. He opened the door and asked if they were okay. The young girl asked to use a phone, but as he handed his cell over to her, he realized her eyes were all black. “No, I need the real one!” She pointed at the landline inside. The thought of letting her inside sent chills up his spine. He shouted at all of them to leave as he slammed and locked the door.

The children stood there a bit longer, silently staring at him through the glass with their solid black eyes. Then they got back on their bikes and disappeared back into the darkness. The next morning, the attendant was eager to go through the surveillance footage. Unfortunately, the power outage cut the cameras off and they didn’t boot back up with the generator. He had nothing to prove the events of the night before took place.




Source of photos: Wikia 

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